Community Access and Support with IB Compass.

We support the educational sector by offering accessibility, by creating community, and by extending guidance through the International Baccalaureate Program.

About Us

Who we are

The IB Compass Foundation was created to strengthen educational access, the community, and on-going support amongst schools. The goal is to build bridges between the institutions; this includes linking their faculty members and the students. We are a foundation that supports both the public and private educational sectors through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). 

Colegios IB en Costa Rica
Estudiantes cursando el diploma
+ 0
Profesores capacitados en IB
+ 0
Egresados de IB desde 2008
+ 0
Nuestros Pilares
That every young person, in any corner of the country, who shows a desire and wants to accept the challenge of pursuing a world-class education, can achieve this goal.


That students, graduates, and educators may participate in activities which benefit and incentivize the community using their IB training.


That students and graduates may rely on guidance and mentorship as they complete their university studies and pursue career opportunities.


Calendar of activities

Actividades 2025

CAS: El poder transformador del aprendizaje
(Categoría 3 en español)

Lengua A: Literatura 
(Categoría 2 en español)

(Categoría 2 en español)

Matemática: Análisis y enfoques 
(Categoría 2 en español)

(Category 2 in English)

Theory of Knowledge 
(Category 2 in English)

(Category 2 in English)

(Category 2 in English)


Talleres virtuales en inglés (cambio de guía)

The Role of the Supervisor in the Extended Essay 
(Category 3)

Design Technology 
(Category 2)

(Category 2)

Visual Arts 
(Category 2)

Computer Science 
(Category 2)

Talleres virtuales en español (cambio de guía)

The Role of the Supervisor in the Extended Essay 
(Categoría 3)

Tecnología del diseño 
(Categoría 2)

(Categoría 2)

Artes visuales 
(Categoría 2)

(Categoría 2)

Aniversario número 3 de IB Compass

Conferencia Global del Bachillerato Internacional

IB Day República Dominicana.

«Mi experiencia como estudiante del IB me enseñó a mantener el equilibrio entre la vida académica y personal con una gran carga de trabajo, lo que me preparó para afrontar con éxito las fechas de entrega en mi nueva vida laboral.»

 Alejandro Antelo Suárez
Colegio Europeo, graduado 2024

The IB marked a “before” and “after” in my professional and personal life. My performance as a teacher, examiner, workshop leader, and IBEN educator has facilitated significant development of skills and competencies.

Alfredo Valverde
Blue Valley School, 2009 

«La excelencia y alta exigencia educativa que demanda el programa me hizo recapacitar acerca de mis fortalezas y debilidades, asimismo, me brindó las competencias que el actual mundo laboral y educativo requiere.» 

 Dereck Salazar 
de Costa Rica, graduado 2024
