Who We Are

IB Compass

We are a foundation registered in Costa Rica. Our goal is to support the public and private educational sector through the IB Diploma Program (IBDP). The IB Compass Foundation was created to strengthen educational access, the community, and on-going support amongst schools. The goal is to build bridges between the institutions; this includes linking their faculty members and the students.


We desire to provide the experience obtained in schools that offer the International Baccalaureate program in Costa Rica. For more than two decades the Foundation has promoted the program and demonstrated its potential for changing students’ lives. We aim to replicate this internationally-used model in order to strengthen the overall quality of education in the Central American and Caribbean region.


We seek spaces to foster community and cooperation between different sectors of the population, as well as alliances with key ambassadors who can join in the movement for a better education.





That every young person, in any corner of the country, who shows a desire and wants to accept the challenge of pursuing a world-class education, can achieve this goal.

That every educator who has the disposition and who is willing to face challenges and changes, may be given the opportunity to pursue professional development.


That students, graduates, and educators may participate in activities which benefit and incentivize the community using their IB training.


That students and graduates may rely on guidance and mentorship as they complete their university studies and pursue career opportunities.

Activity Report

At the end of each year, IB Compass generates an Annual Report to highlight its impact in support of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, benefiting students, teachers, and alumni. We look forward to sharing with you the executed projects, achievements, challenges, and more!
We are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to share our implemented projects, our achievements, our challenges, and more!